LED内蔵の特殊マスクを着用した特異な外見に、最新型国産ダンス・ポップサウンドと評される音楽性で、ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL、SUMMER SONIC、electrox、Girls Award等、国内大型フェスティバルへ多数出演。デビュー作から最新作まで10作連続でiTunesダンスチャート1位を獲得し、2016年5月にリリースされた自身メジャー初オリジナルアルバム「WAVINESS」はiTunesアルバム総合チャートにて1位も獲得している。KONAMIサッカーゲーム「ウイニングイレブン2016」20周年記念タイアップソング、テレビCM「MAZDA TRY!」、映画「変態仮面アブノーマルクライシス」主題歌への楽曲起用、テイラー・スイフトの来日公演でのオープニングアクトへ抜擢されるなど、ダンスミュージックの垣根を越え幅広いシーンで活動中。
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CTS are LED masked unit consisting of Circle(vo), Triangle(syn) and Square(DJ). They started their career in September 2012, when he posted a video on YouTube.
In a peculiar appearance wearing a special mask with a built-in LED, with a musicality that has been described as the latest Japanese dance-pop sound, ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL, SUMMER SONIC, electrox, Girls Award, etc., a large number of appearances to large domestic festivals. From their debut to their latest album, 10 of them have been No.1 on the iTunes Dance Chart in a row, and their first major original album "WAVINESS" released in May 2016, also reached No.1 on the overall iTunes album chart. KONAMI Soccer Game "Winning Eleven 2016" 20th anniversary tie-up song, the TV commercial "MAZDA TRY!", the theme song for the movie "Hentai Kamen Abnormal Crisis", and was selected to be the opening act for Taylor Swift's performance in Japan, they has been performing in a wide range of scenes across the boundaries of dance music.