Olympia 2021

"Olympia 2021, event: Indie Music Freestyle"
My good friend MJTJ, a German artist, designed this fun event and invited artists to join in via Twitter. As a result, we had a total of 27 countries on board, WOW! so SO thank you!
Here you can enjoy up to 3 tracks per country on Spotify, we hope you enjoy listening to them! And if you find an artist or track you like, please dig them out! If you're on Twitter, feel free to say "Hi" to the artist on their Twitter☺
Below is a list of the artists and tracks that joined in.
(The artists are listed in order A to Z, with their Twitter@handle.)
Argentina | アルゼンチン
- Lo que más duele / Pablo La Rosa @pablolarosaxo
- Haunted Underground / Roderiko Pop @roderikopop
- The bewildered emissary / Sergio Di Martino @SergioDiMartin4
Australia | オーストラリア
- Be Brave / Byron Smith @byronsmithmusic
- Take It All The Way / Leigh Thomas @LeighThomasAU
- Leaper / MOULE @MOULEofficial
Austria | オーストリア
- Highly Sensitive / Portobello Express @Portob_Express
Belgium | ベルギー
- Escape 4 / JUAN NW @juannwmusic
- Truth / Time To Act @TimeToAct16
Canada | カナダ
- Avant-Garden / P.Wasy @pwasySounds
Colombia | コロンビア
- Deep Inside There Is / Niwdeyen @niwdeyen
Cuba | キューバ
- Sueños para Recordar / Eduanis Zerquera @EduanisZ
Denmark | デンマーク
- High Up In The Sky / The Caesar Sense @TheCaesarSense
France | フランス
- Sensuous Whisper / Johanna Saint-Pierre @johannastpierre
- The Lonely One / Michael Jacob @MichaelJacobOff
Germany | ドイツ
- No Way Too Far - Live / The Echoes @TheEchoes9
- Der Atem des Moments / Die Klaus Verschwörung @Dieklausversch1
- faded memories / DJBrenne @BrenneDj
- Stereotype / Milkyway Speedlimit @MSpeedlimit
- solang wie du tanzt... / MJTJ @MJTJproduction
Greece | ギリシャ
- Dance of the Wheel / Dimitris Korontzis @DimitrisKoront1
Indonesia | インドネシア
- Magnetic Music / Magnesence @Magnesence
Italy | イタリア
- il giorno più bello / duemila12 @DUEMILA12MUSIC
- Miracle on the 7th (Way Back Home) / The Unwriters @TheUnwriters
Japan | 日本
- 雲のように / Burma Roadhouse @BurmaRoadhouse_
- Wrist Cutter Angel / KOJI The Planet Stoned Plus @KojiPlanet
- Soredake / monk-a-tonk @monk_a_tonk
- Through my Cloud / satosii @satosii_music
Luxembourg | ルクセンブルグ
- Hurricanes and Typhoons / Postindustrial Poets @PostIndustria12
Macedonia | マケドニア
- Something Beautiful / Vox Jane @VoxJane1
Malawi | マラウイ共和国
- One Shot / Fareal mw @Fareal_Mw
Mexico | メキシコ
- Cuando Seas Grande / Jmpinker @PinkerJm
- EVOLVE / The Warning @TheWarningBand2
Peru | ペルー
- Life is a Race, Baby / koufuku bits @KoufukuB
Russia | ロシア
- Run. / jBloodless @JBloodless
Spain | スペイン
- RSD / RedOwl @RedOwl_think
Sweden | スェーデン
- Lost / Alievsi
Turkey | トルコ
- RETURN / Frankie&RikiAbi @RikiAbi34
UK | イギリス
- You Can Reach It If You Try / Chris Fowler @chrisfowlersong
- Roam / Ditsea Yella @DitseaYella
- Shades / Gomrund @Gomrund_Music
- Wish You Were Dead / The John Michie Collective
- Instant World / Johnny & the Box @JohnnyandtheBox
- Man on Mars / Love and the Guitars @LoveAndTheGuit1
- Planet / Trio Minutes @TrioMinutes
UK(Scotland) | スコットランド
- Monkey Mind / The Future Us @The_Future_Us
- Wanna Skate / Voldo @nunnyb1
UK(Wales) | ウェールズ
- Pandemic / Ade Wilding @ade_w17
US | アメリカ
- Plain and so Simple / Captain Careful @TimLordan
- Do that shake / The Cave Slinkies @thecaveslinkies
- Airport Sittin / Daddy Bitts @BittsDaddy
- All Geared Up / DanielTidwell14 @DanielTidwell14
- Penteerium / Floyd Kelly @RealFloydKelly1
- 10,000 Midnights / JC Miller @JC_MILLER_Music
- Coda / Joe Tavano @josephttavano
- Dylan Thompson / Magic Fungi @FoggyRather
- Message / TOMIE T @t_tomie
(The artists are listed in order A to Z, with their Twitter@handle.)
👌Who is MJTJ, the host?👌