Indie motivation🗼 by Yumiko
![Indie motivation JP](
Introducing the Spotify playlist Indie motivation, compiled by Yumiko, we met on Twitter, the bass player in the Tokyo-based rock duo KOJI The Planet Stoned Plus It's got mostly tracks by independent Japanese artists, so why not check it out
Twitterで出会った東京を拠点に活動するロックデュオKOJI The Planet Stoned Plusのベーシスト・ユミコさんが更新・公開されているSpotifyプレイリスト「Indie motivation」のご紹介!日本のインディペンデント系アーティストの曲が多くこまめに更新されていますので是非フォローしてチェックしてくださいね
KOJI The Planet Stoned Plus
20世紀のAKAI MPC2000を中心にレコードからチョップした音でビートを組むロックバンド。ギター・ボーカル・作曲: KOJI、ベース: YUMIKO
2019年エマージェンザJAPAN予選1位通過。 2022年5月21日、渋谷eggmanにて準決勝予定。
We are drum less band so we rely on the drums beat by 20th century's AKAI MPC 2000! This is KOJI The Planet Stoned Plus
people say that we are Japan Psyche, Indie Rock, Alternative Rock etc… we don’t care what ever they call us. Our live activity started in 2017.
We won the 1st place in the 3rd round of the EMERGENZA Tokyo, and the semi-finals will be held at Shibuya Eggman in 2022.
We are live in Tokyo, mainly perform in Tokyo area. Rock'n Roll bands are dying in Tokyo, or should we say in all of the area in Japan. We are dying species. Bring the Fender MUSTANG to the hell. Then ring it to the heaven!
God bless. - KOJI: Vo, Gt, Songwriter. YUMIKO: Bass
(*from their profile on Spotify)