Jun 2024 playlist

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  1. Jun 2024 playlist
    DIG NewMusic Monthly
  2. Barbarella And The Boogie Blues
  3. So Much Closer
  4. Mulberry Sky
  5. Leigh Thomas
  6. Lucid Evolution
  7. SIVA
  8. Blackrockstar
  9. The Roadhouse Blues Band
  10. Motel Sundown
  11. Grace Calver
  12. Vicki Rai
  13. liv.
  14. Lorenza Wildcard
  15. Sofa Poets
  16. Alesia Harris
  17. Shena!
  18. Catherwren
  19. Summer Lee Carlson
  20. Jhames Joe
  21. JJ Lovegrove
  22. Astrid Black
  23. JC Miller
  24. Western Jaguar
  25. Tidal End
  26. Got Got Need
  27. Monk-a-tonk
  28. Adam Ringo Lowe
  29. Lee Newton
  30. Mary Oz
  31. Chi Bumanglag Santos
  32. Stephanie Rabus
  33. Edwin H. Balder ft. Raine Stern
  34. Portobello Express
  35. The Holy Guns
  36. Pete Poet
  37. The Azurescens
  38. The Future Us
  39. The Northeast Fire
  40. Mikalyn
  41. Rick and Sarah Blasi
  42. Tristyn Leach
  43. Haleen
  44. Jace Winter
  45. Xer Olegna
  46. La Marti
  47. Garlen Lo
  48. Springworks
  49. Markham Monk
  50. ZKIN
  51. Charles Berkhouse ft. Monk-a-tonk

   Monthly playlist   
Title by Artist

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