14 Songs dug up 25 Aug
Sharing my fav finds from 19-25 Aug, Tap/Click the cover art to play previews from
- Castella ft. Ragan Whiteside
- Zac Brown Band
- The Stremes
- Bikini Test Failure
- Eliza May
- Claudia Kate
- Emma Taylor and the Wall Flowers
- Estella Dawn
- Chi Bumanglag Santos ft. Ene Ojo
- Amy Papiransky
- Linda Pagnini
- Izzii Grace
- Apryll Aileen
- Highfront

Now, hopefully you've discovered some of your favourites. I'll keep on digging, so if you're also a Spotify listener, why not add this Keep on DIGgin' playlist which is constantly fresh, to your library on Spotify and keep checking it out whenever you like!