25 Songs dug up 13 Oct
Sharing my fav finds from 7-13 Oct, Tap/Click the cover art to play previews from
- Shikao Suga
- Madison Olds
- Kylie Auldist + The Lincoln Room
- The DusT
- JC Miller
- Postmodern Jukebox ft. Sara Niemietz
- Songwriteam
- Little Glee Monster
- Riley Silos
- 宮本美季
- Lorenzo Iuracà
- Emiliano Pardo
- Kandace Springs
- reinventing kate
- Skylar Nevaeh
- Francois Reinke
- Lucid Evolution
- Down in Motion
- Fletcher Christian
- Float Here Forever
- The Whistling Cyclist
- James Hawken

Now, hopefully you've discovered some of your favourites. I'll keep on digging, so if you're also a Spotify listener, why not add this Keep on DIGgin' playlist which is constantly fresh, to your library on Spotify and keep checking it out whenever you like!