27+ Songs dug up 17 Nov
Sharing my fav finds from 11-17 Nov, Tap/Click the cover art to play previews from
- Baker Brothers ft. Frankie Connolly
- Madison Olds
- Evelyn Laurie & Neil Thomson
- Postmodern Jukebox ft. Veronica Swift
- Linn Cervell
- Riiver Brukes
- Charles James and the Rise
- Phillip Kanakis & Kathryn Shipley
- Stephanie Rabus
- Little Glee Monster
- Haleen
- PeteBo
- 3mind Blight
- Dreamcube
- Western Jaguar
- Animal Revolt
- whate
- Johnny & the Box
- The Charlie Marshall Effect
- Georgia Jay
- Barbara Borgelin & Lars Klit
- Ibex & Hiroko
- Divarella
- Trent Brown
- Native Son
- Catia Dignard

Now, hopefully you've discovered some of your favourites. I'll keep on digging, so if you're also a Spotify listener, why not add this Keep on DIGgin' playlist which is constantly fresh, to your library on Spotify and keep checking it out whenever you like!