Jan.2025 indie playlist


  1. 越天楽 - Ancient japanese court music
    宮内庁式部職楽部 辻寿男
  2. Twist The Knife
    McKenna Kasowski
  3. Arizona
    Jo LaRue
  4. Life Worth Living
    Liisa Pentti
  5. Benefit of the Doubt
    Lauren Vahdani
  6. Jamais
    Nathalie Miranda
  7. Show Me Love
    Amber T
  8. Like Duracell
  9. I Would
    Riley Silos
  10. Today's No Different
    Campbell Fackre
  11. I'll Be Lovin' You
    Barbarella And The Boogie Blues ft. Tony Franklin
  12. Wanderer's Rhapsody
    JC Miller
  13. This is me
    Linda Pagnini
  14. Run Away
    Ella Oakwood
  15. Mr Accidental
    Roisin O'Hagan
  16. The Touch of the Master's Hand
    Jeannie K
  17. Moon & Back
    Meggi Faye
  18. My Brain
    the FOLK DRAMA
  19. Heart & Bones
    Sierra Miles
  20. Maggie - 2024 Version
    Mr Sweet
  21. Say It's Over
    Chloe Clemente
  22. Soredake
  23. I'll always remember us this way
    Debbie Dee
  24. Broken mirror
  25. The Kids
    Animal Souls
  26. Disaster(er) Party
    Bad Mary
  27. Sinner
    3mind Blight ft. Crimson Violet Blight
  28. Silent Treatment
  29. Johnny Nightly
    Sherry Counsellors
  30. Step Down
    Golden Salt
  31. Human Touch
    Pylon Poets
  32. Grey
  33. Love
  34. Apart
    Transmission Lost
  35. Day & Night
    Oli Barton
  36. Hey, Good Lookin'
    Anna Scott
  37. I Like Getting High
    Reckless Deriver
  38. Twenty Twenty Four
    Postindustrial Poets
  39. 21st Century Jesus
    Sofa Poets
  40. In Another Life - TVC mix
  41. Drinks
    Summer Lee Carlson ft. Mute Speaker
  42. Money
  43. Miracle
  44. Out of Sight of You
  45. Soredake Microscopic Dub Extended Announced by Charles Himself!
    Charles Berkhouse ft. Monk-a-tonk
  46. Now I'm Numb
  47. Elusive
    Saul Chessin
  48. Just Saying
    Louis Cantoni
  49. Won't Take An Answer That's No
    Kris Jenkins
  50. Lucky Dragon
    Odd Marshall
  51. Everybody On The Bus
    Darren Addicott

*updated 1 Jan 2025

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