Charles Berkhouse

Charles Berkhouse (チャールズ・バークハウス) はプロデューサー兼リミキサー。BerkhouseSnyderのハーフ。UpliftingTrance Cornucopia of Soundのハーフ。ペンシルベニア州アーウィンにあるThirteen33Productionsのクリエーター。音楽と瞑想で癒されましょう。
2020年最初のシングルは「The Awakening」。
チャールズ・バークハウスとRoyale Blueの「Chill, Vol.1」も要チェックです!
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The “announced by Charles himself” versions of soredake electron flow ext and microscopic dub ext are in the process of being released! Look for them where you stream your music soon! I just finished up a set of remixes for a Japanese rock band monk-a-tonk, the electron flow remix/extended, plus the microscopic dub/extended (these mixes are anything but microscopic!). That was a fun project and they are very talented musicians! I’m happy with the feel of the remixes and how they turned out! This is my first Japanese remix.
Also, I added a promo pic that Tony Dufficy, the bassist, had made to my photo section! What’s up guys??!!
The first single for 2020 is The Awakening. This driving electronic track will fill you up with the daily requirement of energy! Be sure to check out Chill, Vol.1 by Charles Berkhouse and Royale Blue too!
Charles Berkhouse producer and remixer. Half of BerkhouseSnyder.
Half of Cornucopia of Sound.
Creator of Thirteen33Productions in Irwin, PA. Heal with music and meditation.