Grace Can’t Play Guitar

Grace Can’t Play Guitar (グレイス・キャント・プレイ・ギター) 
Sussexのパブを回ってカバー曲とオリジナル曲を演奏し、The Stepsというアルバムを制作。数年間一緒に演奏した後、悲しいことにバンドはそれぞれのプロジェクトに取り組むために別々の道を歩むことになりました。

- プロフィール | profile -

We, Chris Payne and Mike Tyler, first played together in the late 1980's in an Indie-Punk band called LaBastion.
We played around the circuit of pubs in Sussex performing both covers and original songs producing an album called The Steps.
Having played together for a couple years the band sadly went their seperate ways to work on individual projects. 
We remained friends but the sort that rarely speak or meet up but when we did, it was like we had never been apart.
Music has been our lives since the day we first met, we just went in different directions in our lives.
The roads we travelled went in opposite directions, but we always knew that one day our paths would cross and the magic would begin again!


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