Sugar Parks

Sugar Parks (シュガー・パークス) はロサンゼルスを拠点に活動するシンガーソングライターで、ノワールポップのダークな雰囲気を漂わせながらも、グリッティでブルージーな雰囲気を漂わせたインディーロックのシンガーソングライターです。
その後まもなく、カラオケ・ダイブ・バーでギタリストのミッチ・パークスと出会う。2人は一緒に音楽のプロデュースを始め、翌年に結婚。歪んだギター、ソウルフルなボーカル、ダークな歌詞をミックスしたシュガーとミッチは、「The Black Keys」「Lana Del Rey」「Amy Winehouse」に匹敵するサウンドを生み出しました。彼らの曲は、「Lazarus: Day of the Living Dead」「Check Point」「God Complex」「Xenophobia」「Big Freaking Rat」「The Amityville Harvest」そしてエミー賞を受賞したAmazonシリーズ「The Bay」などのインディーズ映画に収録されています。
「Lazarus...」では、シュガーがラウンジ・シンガーを演じ、その後ろでミッチがベースを弾いています。このシーンは、彼女の曲「Baby's Got a Hold on Me」と一緒に映画の予告編で紹介されています。さらに、シュガーは国際的な音楽集団Swamp Music Playersとコラボし、彼らがリリースした楽曲の1つ「Jezebel」が2020年3月31日のEarshot Digitalの「Song of the Day」に選ばれました。
- プロフィール | profile -

Sugar Parks is a Los Angeles based singer/songwriter of indie rock that shimmers with the darkness of noir pop while having gritty, bluesy overtones. She began her journey into songwriting by writing poetry as an introspective outlet. She moved around California’s Pacific Coast, acquired some knowledge of guitar in San Francisco, and ended up in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley. Misfortune in love and her new guitar skills led her to start writing songs. Shortly thereafter, she met guitarist, Mitch Parks, at a karaoke dive bar. The two artists started producing music together and got married the following year. With a mix of distorted guitars, soulful vocals, and dark lyrics, Sugar and Mitch have created a sound comparable to The Black Keys, Lana Del Rey, and Amy Winehouse. Their songs have been placed in multiple indie films including, “Lazarus: Day of the Living Dead”, “Check Point”, “God Complex”, “Xenophobia”, “Big Freaking Rat”, “The Amityville Harvest”, and the Daytime Emmy winning Amazon series, “The Bay”. In “Lazarus…”, Sugar plays a lounge singer with Mitch on bass behind her. This scene was featured in the trailer for the film along with her song, “Baby’s Got a Hold on Me”. Additionally, Sugar has collaborated with international music collective, Swamp Music Players, and had one of their released tracks, “Jezebel”, selected as Earshot Digital’s Song of the Day on March 31, 2020. Currently, Sugar and Mitch are working to launch their four song EP, “Ruminations”.