Alex Julia

Alex Julia(アレックス・ジュリア)は2020年にデビュー・ミニアルバム「Better Part of Me」をリリースしたニュージャージー出身のシンガー・ソングライター。ファースト・シングル「Counting Stars」は、80年代のダンス・ミュージックの影響を強く受けた作品で、ポップとロックの要素をミックスしたストーリー性の高い作品に仕上がっています。現在女性ロック歌手は少なくなっている中、アレックスはロックへと方向をとっています。
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Singer-songwriter Alex Julia is releasing her debut EP, Better Part of Me, this year. Her first single “Counting Stars” (slated for beginning of 2020) is heavily influenced by 80s/dance — the EP’s narrative searing with an eclectic mix of pop/rock elements. With a largely void space of female rockers currently, Alex is forging her path into rock territory and making a name for herself.
Emerging onto the music scene in 2010, the New Jersey native has come into her own as an artist and recorded with producer Diego Allessandro of Morningside Studios. Allessandro’s diverse style and delicate nuances are the perfect balance to her soul-baring lyrics and acoustic work.
Alex’s humble beginnings started at local Jersey venues, her writing influences from the shore — with ebbs and flows of joy and pain. Since then, this gifted musician has focused on a greater scope, drawing inspiration from the world around her, through an extrospective lens. Keep a watch out for Alex Julia — she’s going to change the sonic soundscape.