
Voldo(ボルドー)はスコットランドのアーシャー出身のオルタナティブ3ピースバンド。様々なジャンルの音楽、世界中からの影響を受けた音楽を作っています。ボーカルはKyle Meldrum(カイル)とAmanda Lorean(アマンダ)、ビートはNunny Boy(ナニー)が担当。
ずいぶん前にナニー、カイル、アマンダと数人のゲスト・アーティストがコラボして「Ideal Elements」というアルバムを作り、アルバムは素晴らしいものだったし、多くの人に受け入れられた。それから2019年11月までとんで、同じメンバーで一緒に新しいプロジェクト「Voldo-Sophia」を始めたのですが、この時もボーカルにフランシーン、ハーモニカにショーンといった数人のゲスト・アーティストを迎えました。
- プロフィール | profile -

Voldo is an alternative three piece band from Ayrshire, Scotland. Spanning across many genres of music, many influences from all over the globe, we churn it up & spit it out in the form of Voldo. Vocals by Kyle Meldrum & Amanda Lorean, Beats by Nunny Boy.
A good few years ago (about 17 i think) Nunny ,Kyle, Amanda and a few guest artists collaborated to make an album called 'Ideal Elements', album was fantastic & was received well by many. Fast forward to the November 2019 and the same guys had decided to start a new project together called 'Voldo - Sophia', again there are a few guest appearances, like vocals from Francene & harmonica from Sean. The new album is a musical journey taking you through various genres recreating sounds from an older era but giving them a modern twist, you can expect everything from hip hop / drum n bass to country / pop, its an melodic extravaganza, Voldo have had their sound compared against various artists, from the likes of Fleetwood Mac meets the Beta Band with a hint of David Bowie, the fact is it is hard to pin us down to an exact genre.
- Spotify
- Apple music | iTunes
- Bandcamp
- Soundcloud
- YouTube
- Twitter: Amanda Lorean(アマンダ)
- Twitter: Kyle Meldrum(カイル)
- Twitter: Nunny Boy(ナニー・ボーイ)