Sally Rose

1年かけて曲を書いた後、2020年1月に初のミニアルバム「The heart wants what it wants」を発表。
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Born in Argentina and made in the USA, Sally Rose began her career as a singer/songwriter in the summer of 2018. After hearing Sally Rose's energetic vocals singing "Don't Cry" by Guns N' Roses, a close friend asked her to play a show with a Guns N' Roses cover band. At the time, Sally Rose had never performed in public before, and it was at that moment when she discovered her true passion, music. Inspired by artists such as Lana Del Rey, Cigarettes After Sex, Wild Nothing, and the Ramones, Sally Rose creates emotional music coupled with her astonishingly powerful voice, her lyrics often incorporates wistful Americana and past experiences. Sally learned how to play Bass out of the necessity to express her emotions and breathe life into her musical visions. After a year of writing material and composing, she launched her first EP "The heart wants what it wants" in January of 2020.